
Life Britain ‘What is totally normal in the UK but eye-opening for everyone else?’ 19 peculiarly British traits Poke Staff. Updated May 2nd, 2024 Share Tweet Over on Reddit people have been sharing things that feel totally normal in the UK but are a bit of an eye-opener – occasionally a jaw-dropper we tell you – for everyone else after Brilliant_Coat_8636 asked this. ‘What’s something you think is totally normal in the UK but surprises people not from the country because it’s mainly a UK thingy?’ And after reading all the answers we’ve never felt like we live on an island more than we do now.

1. ‘I love having carpet, I have never understood this whole thing that popped up in the early 2000s of removing every fibre from a floor ensuring that it’s noisy, easy to scratch and expensive to replace. Plus carpet feels warm, acts as a sound deadener and is easy to take care of.

‘Don’t get me wrong, carpet in a Kitchen is a no, same with a bathroom.’ geeksandlies 2. ‘Washing up bowls.

I’ve seen Americans lose their minds over them.’ Curious_Reference408 3. ‘A bit dark, but the length of time before the funeral when someone dies.

‘In Spain and many other countries, the funeral will be the day after death. Here (especially since covid) it could be a couple of weeks or more easily.’ rmc1211 4.

’48 year old married father of two here – having worked/lived abroad (continental Europe/USA) one of the biggest things in the UK is pedestrians and roa.

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