
Singer Simi has finally addressed the comments made by her colleagues Brymo and Samklef about her in a light-hearted manner. Last year, Brymo stirred up controversy by suggesting that he wanted a romantic encounter with Simi in exchange for collaborating on music. He claimed that because she turned down his request, he decided not to work with her.

Similarly, Samklef, a producer who has turned to blogging, recently confessed that he had feelings for Simi back when they were both struggling artists. However, he refrained from asking her out to avoid mixing business with pleasure. During a recent interview with Angela Yee on her show “Way Up,” Simi responded to Brymo and Samklef remarks by saying she doesn’t take them seriously.

In her own words: “I don’t understand what Brymo and Samklef are going on about. It’s funny because they are two different people, and I don’t get why they keep mentioning me like that. Even when you listen to what they’re saying, it’s hard to make sense of it.

I’m still puzzled. https://www.instagram.

com/ reel/C6rgQyPJOyy/?utm_source= ig_web_copy_link “I just think it’s not a big deal to me. It doesn’t change anything. My husband is speaking up for me, standing up for his woman like he should.

I don’t feel affected by this. It doesn’t bother me. I have nothing to hide.

If someone wants to say they asked me out, so what? Or that I had an ex [laughs]. The whole situation seems more like comedy to me than anything else.” Ho.

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