
To the Left, former President Donald Trump is a racist. Not only is Trump a racist, but he is only the latest in a long line of Republican racists. From MSNBC’s Ali Velshi: “Contrary to what some might think, the former president is not an anomaly in American politics.

While he may be unmatched in terms of his narcissism, Trumpism itself is not a novel idea. The movement he ushered is in line with the Republican Party’s Southern strategy, a long-term plan developed in response to the civil rights movement that sought to exploit white Southerners’ racial anxieties. It was a plan that Richard Nixon leaned into for his political campaigns and his presidency.

He used the phrase ‘silent majority’ to refer to the white Southerners he was trying to court, and his call for law and order was a dog whistle opposing the protests and marches that were common in the 1960s and early ’70s.” So, former President Richard Nixon, who employed the Southern strategy, was a racist, right? Yet another big fat liberal lie. Pat Buchanan was the aide to Nixon and an architect of the so-called Southern strategy.

The goal? Woo Southern Democrats and get them to vote Republican. Buchanan wrote: “In 1956, as vice president, Nixon went to Harlem to declare, ‘America can’t afford the cost of segregation.’ The following year, Nixon got a personal letter from Dr.

King thanking him for helping to persuade the Senate to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon supported the civil rights .

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