
Butter is a staple in many fridges across the UK, but debate often rages about how best to store it. Like many supermarket items, butter has crept up in price, and according to the Agriculture & Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) butter prices in the EU were "up 18.5% year-on-year," between 2023 and 2024, reports Food Navigator.

As a result of this, savvy shoppers will want their dairy item to last longer, so proper storage is necessary, and some may even opt to buy in bulk if they can get a deal . But how are you supposed to store butter to get the most out of it? One person has taken to Reddit to ask for advice on storing butter and how to preserve it for as long as possible because they'd purchased many blocks of the foodstuff at once. One skincare step could be the key to anti-ageing - and you can get it cheaply They asked: "How do you store butter? I have bought a butter pack with 4 packs of butter.

I just simply put all of them in the fridge. Is it the right thing to do? Also how long can butter store in the fridge.? I don't see there is an expiry date in the box.

Thanks a lot everyone." Many people commented on the thread to share their advice on the best storage method. "Butter stays good in the fridge for a few months if kept around 4° (not in the door or a warm shelf).

If you want butter be spreadable, keep one stick in a bowl in a cabinet", one suggested. Another said: "Some people leave it out on the table/counter and just covered to protect from bugs. I’m n.

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