
KENOSHA — “Nine,” the story of a film director facing a midlife crisis, might not seem like an ideal story for a college production, but Carthage Professor Neil Scharnick said the musical’s theme “is really about growing up, and college students can definitely relate to that.” The main character is Guido Contini, a 40-year-old film director struggling in his marriage and his career. Lorelai Amborn, left, and Chase Juster rehearse a scene in "Nine" at Carthage College.

“He’s not that sympathetic of a character,” Scharnick said. “He’s totally self-absorbed and doesn’t really think about how his actions affect other people.” The real fun, he said, “is watching the women in his life — his mother, wife and mistress — finally get fed up with his behavior.

” Contini, he added, “has to learn to see beyond himself.” Vivian Alexander, left, and Alexa Lindstrom rehearse a nightclub show scene in "Nine" at Carthage College. The title “Nine,” he said, “refers to Guido being stuck as a 9-year-old child.

He’s got to grow up and stop living an extended childhood.” The musical — based on Federico Fellini’s 1963 film “81⁄2” — is set in early 1960s Venice. That means the show is “filled with high fashion,” Scharnick said.

“Our set designers and costume and teams had a lot of fun with that. We leaned into the hairstyles, the fashions and the look of the early ‘60s in Venice. Audiences will really love that.

” Olivia Litton (seat.

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